(817) 877 – 3510

Max Falls
Former President & Co-Founder
What is your degree in? Where did you receive your degree? Bachelor of Business Administration: TCU
When did you start with M&F? May 1995
Where is your Hometown? Snyder, Texas
What was your first car? 1949 green Chevrolet Pick Up
If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you? Why? Brad Pitt , I get mistaken for him all the time.
What interesting skill do you want to learn? How to change my profile picture in Facebook from my IPhone.
What is your hidden talent? Golf (any talent I have for the game is hidden)
What would your rap name be and why? Maximum One I take it to the “Max” every time!
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Blue Bell Pistachio Nut
What is your dream car? 1969 Chevelle Super Sport SS 396
”I like the challenge of getting everyone in the orchestra on the same sheet of music along with the relationships forged in the process while working with clients, architects/engineers, and subcontractors. Teamwork and Collaboration are two of the main components which drew me into construction. I enjoy contributing to “turning dreams into reality” for our clients.
Max Falls